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Apologize or ask for forgiveness?

Have you hurt another person and / or hurt their feelings? When you offend someone even if it has not been intentional, it is just that you ask for forgiveness and repent of having hurt that person dear to you. It is possible that you think that you have done nothing wrong to ask for forgiveness or that it has not been so much, (SUCH THAT IS YOUR OPINION) in our Latin American countries we say: "Sorry, only God is asked." Unfortunately it has nothing to do with GOD but with our education and culture, because just for having offended someone is enough to ask for forgiveness and thus to continue with the relationship you had so far. The words "I'm sorry" are very effective in solving these kinds of problems.

If you want to ask forgiveness of a loved one, it is very important, above all, that you are sincere and also important, that you take care of your forms and your words during the moment of talking about what has happened. But look! Because apologizing and asking for forgiveness is not the same, they are very different things, do you want to know the difference between one and the other? Apologize Apologizing implies not being or feeling responsible for what has happened. An example to apologize would be late for a date with a friend because there has been a big traffic on the road, in this case you would apologize because you are not responsible for a traffic jam but it does not feel right for the other person to have I was waiting for your arrival


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