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Men will also DYE HAIR

WRITTEN BY Zamouel Zá Hawkings
The world of beauty man, for years that is changing, since we can find products of almost all kinds for skin care, hair and physical appearance in general.
That's why today we want to tell you about some dyes for those men who change or cover their gray hairs decide to make them serve, in order to look better in front of the mirror, giving them a shine and a perfect tonality to the hair. Thus, it is known that not only women from the past have dyed their hair, for long ago in history, henna was used to dye the hair in reddish tones, for warriors generally, another method used in the empire Roman, was the clarification of hair with water and lime. Nowadays, and with the new fashions used in terms of coloring trends, hair dye products of a wide variety, much less abrasive than those used in previous years, can be found, mostly made with petroleum products, Nowadays they care as much as possible the quality of the hair, giving them a natural shine and changing the image of the man almost 90 percent.


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